How to Awaken Kundalini

When we talk about the Kundalini energy, we must first discuss the reason for awakening. When the Kundalini is awakened, we are on a trajectory towards God’s light. It is opening up the grace within us so that we may feel divine in every moment of every day. What does grace feel like? It is grace that is within us every single day.

When the Kundalini is awakened, we feel divinity running through us and that can be a very blissful and ecstatic experience. We sometimes feel that we want more and more of that energy, of that grace. Some people reach for this experience again and again, running from guru to guru or experience to experience, waiting to receive that blissful ecstatic grace again. It is important to talk about the feelings of agony, betrayal and loss that will almost surely surface as this divine energy works Her way through our body and our mind. The things that are happening in the body when the Kundalini is awakened are beyond our perception. When fear presents itself for instance, we may say, “what happened?”, “where did my state go?”, “why am I losing my presence in grace?”. When grace is awakening within us, we see the grace in everyone and everything around us. But when these darker energies come forth, it may be misunderstood as a relapse or a darkening of the energy.

When we see the light within us, we recognize that there is nothing else. When the Kundalini is awakened, She allows for everything to be cleared so that we can see this light. It doesn’t matter how many times we’ve done this before or we’ve looked at this before or we’ve cleared this before, when it’s time to awaken, the Kundalini will clear everything that is not of light. She will clear out the past, the karma, the incessant thinking and habits. She will clear out anger, resentment, fear, jealousy, judgement, anything that makes us less than who we truly are. It doesn’t feel good sometimes, but it’s necessary for this clearing out to take place.

When we see the light within us, divinity appears before us as well. It’s easy to melt into this grace when we see it all around us every day. It isn’t so easy when the darkness is appearing as our reality. When we see things in darkness and we haven’t seen the truth yet, we don’t see the light within us. It’s confusing and one can become afraid.

This brings us to the question of how to awaken Kundalini. We don’t know how deep and dark these mysteries will be. We don’t know what will awaken within us to be seen. How do we know what is best for us? How do we know when is the right time for our awakening? God knows. God will give you what you need, when you need it, and how you need it in any time and space.

It is best to surrender our will to God’s will. When we see the light within us, the divine already has what we need. If we want our Kundalini to be awakened, chances are it’s already happening in some aspect of our being. When we awaken the Kundalini energy, it’s hard to not feel some grace within our body. Do you want to awaken the Kundalini?

For centuries and more, there have been masters who have awakened this Kundalini for us. They are Shaktipat masters or Gurus. They have full control of the energy and know when it is right for a person to be awakened. That is why some had studied under that master for decades sometimes to receive that grace. “What is true awakening?” is the next question.

There are many aspects to Kundalini awakening; the grace, the truth, the divinity within. Have we sat for years and pondered the inner essence of our being? Have we pondered what grace is over and over again until it becomes the very core of our being? Does the Kundalini want to be awakened within me?

Part 2 of How to Awaken Kundalini


How to Awaken Kundalini - pt. 2