Allowing the Awakening of All Beings Through the Lineage of Light

Up until around the 20th century, initiation into mystical traditions that involved the awakening of inner energy, known as kundalini or divine grace, was reserved only for a few select devotees of a spiritual master after they had contributed countless hours of service and practice under the tutelage of that master. 

But the opportunity to gain access to the direct experiences described in all of the world’s great mystical traditions has recently been opened up to a much wider audience, thanks to a long lineage of beings who bestow grace, much like one candle lighting the next.

Kundalini Awakening, Shaktipat, Guru, Teacher, Spiritual Awakening, Master Healer, Healing
Kundalini Awakening, Shaktipat, Guru, Teacher, Spiritual Awakening, Master Healer, Healing

Through an initiation often referred to as shaktipat, this very powerful force of grace can awaken in aspirants and eventually lead them to a full experience of union with the Divine. This can take years, decades or even lifetimes, but once the candle has been lit within, it will keep on glowing until the fire is divine.

As part of the enlightenment process, the energy will move through the body releasing everything that is not of light. People have witnessed Kai pulling or sucking these “dark energies” from those sitting with her in meditation. This is all of light, purity and grace.

Along the way, a person may experience all sorts of unusual things — automatic breathing, spontaneous yoga poses, involuntary hand gestures, unexpected visions and sounds, or just pure stillness and a silence that is beyond what is known. These can be a result of energy being cleared from the body and/or divine spontaneous manifestations of light.  

In this time of awakening on the planet, we are experiencing rapid growth as a whole consciousness, and we see that divinity is percolating in our beings and creating experiences for some that may seem frightening if they are unaware of what is happening. Others have read or heard about these experiences and are wanting this process to occur within them. Lineage of Light is a loving space to receive these energetic transmissions of grace and healing support as we open up to a brighter, new being.

Although the words that come through Kai often use the names and terminology of the Hindu tradition, no religious affiliation is necessary or a hindrance to this process for this is the source of light from which all religion proceeds.